Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Before & After - Photoshop Editing - Pebblezine

Airing our the guilt 

See the full feature HERE

 For the latest issue of Pebble Zine I was privileged to get asked to photograph some shots to be published in the fashion section. My brief was to think of a creative way to display some clothes without using models. The thought of a washing line instantly came to mind. 

For this first photo I got two assistants to hold up the clothing on a washing line and then I photoshopped them out. I used the cloned tool for most of this image to get the girls out of the photo, and also the reflection in the water. I decided I didn't like the houses in the background so I found a stock image which had a nice horizon. Using the layer tools, when I erased the top layer it revealed the stock image underneath. 

For this image I did another technique to prevent having to use the clone tool over the girls. Instead I used a tripod and took one photo without anything in the composition and then another with the girls holding the clothing. This allowed me to overlay the two images in photoshop. I put the photo of the clothing on the top visible layer and the other photo below. I then used the eraser to rub away the girls leaving the empty picture below. Da darrr the clothes are floating!